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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Must read for Beginner Body Builders (Some Mistakes By beginners)

Body building is a life time commitment. It is not about just looking good, but about being healthy. I say that because so many in the body building world today do things to their bodies that is totally against good health in the pursuit of getting bigger and looking better.

I have seen around a thousand people join the gym with high expectations only to stop coming within a month or two. There is no quick fix to a lifetime of body abuse, but there is hope. Just like there are no real get rich quick plans out there, there are no real get big and strong plans out there either.

One of the biggest downfalls for amateur body builders is muscle magazines. We buy them and look at guys that weight 275, 290, and even 325 pounds with body fat content of 2 ½ to 5% and we start wanting to be like that.

I want you to know that it is totally impossible to make those kinds of gains without taking steroids. I don't care how much you eat, how much you rest or how much you workout, you will not make those gains without committing a felony and committing a crime against your body. Remember, good health should be your number one goal in body building.

Secondly, a pitfall many beginners fall into is that they read the workout schedules of the drug using pros and try to emulate them. You must work your body not someone else's.

Steroids make it possible to recover quickly and workout again. As a natural body builder (drug free) you can only work your body so hard and make gains. If you workout too much it becomes counterproductive and you can actually see a loss of strength and muscle.

So let me sum all this up. Use common sense when beginning your program. Use the weight that your body can handle, not what your buddy is doing or what a guy or girl your size ought to be able to do. Make a life time commitment to health and looking good. And start on a journey that is fun, personally challenging and rewards you with a nice body


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