Shareapic is a free service that allows its users to upload and host their images on our servers. What makes us different from the rest? Shareapic has a unique revenue sharing model that compensates users for directing their friends and family to see their hosted images. When a member hosts a gallery, they can then show this gallery to others. Each time this is done, the member is paid.

Earnings vary each month based off the amount of income Shareapic generates from advertising. Once this number is finalized a percentage of that is distributed throughout Shareapic members depending on how many image views they have accrued.
- Upload unlimited pictures
- No file size restrictions
- Create unlimited galleries
- We allow you to add your Bidvertiser © code to your image and gallery pages.
- We pay out within 30 days!
- One click posting to Myspace,Blogger, Xanga, Hi5, and more!
Get Started with SHAREAPIC now
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